- Modulates and reduces inflammation
- Helps contain pain
- Helps improve physical performance
The treatment RHEUMATOLOGY is effective on different diseases affecting various body districts, among them, is particularly indicated in the treatment of algodystrophy, a very disabling condition. Pain in arthritis of various kinds, arthrosis, bursitis and fibromyalgia also improves with this therapeutic modality. Finally, there is the anti-inflammatory and antalgic effect in neuropathies: carpal tunnel syndrome and non-deficient cervical and lumbar radiculopathies (cervicobrachialgia and lumbosciatica).
Algodystrophy, also known as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, is a painful disease due to abnormal stimulation of the nervous system that generally affects the lower and upper limbs, the causes of which are mostly unknown (it may appear after a trauma or after the removal of a cast).
Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints of which there are many types depending on the cause: metabolic, traumatic, infectious, autoimmune (a careful medical evaluation in this case is essential to identify the type of arthritis in which treatment with magnetotherapy is indicated).
Arthrosis is a degenerative disease of the joints, especially those that are most heavily loaded (vertebral column, hips, knees and others) that causes alterations in the cartilage.
Bursitis is an inflammation of a bursa of a joint that causes redness, pain and swelling.
Fibromyalgia is a multifactorial syndrome due to unknown cause, characterized by chronic and widespread musculoskeletal pain affecting the vertebral column, shoulders, arms, glutes.
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a neuropathy due to the compression of the median nerve of the wrist as it passes through the carpal tunnel that causes pain, weakness in the hand and wrist, which radiate to the arm.
Cervical and lumbar radiculopathies (cervicobrachialgia and lumbosciatica) are painful conditions caused by discopathies of the vertebral column that radiate to the limbs and can cause tingling and a feeling of numbness.
Clinical Experience
"Magnetic fields are effective in treating carpal tunnel syndrome"
Battisti and others in “La magnetoterapia nel trattamento della sindrome del tunnel carpale primitiva: confronto tra campo elf e nuovo sistema TAMMEF” - European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
"Studies show that magnetotherapy reduces pain and disability in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee, resistant to conventional treatments"
Pipitone and Scott in “Magnetic Pulse Treatment for Knee Osteoarthritis: A Randomised, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study” - Current Medical Research and Opinion
" Electromagnetic fields improve function, pain, fatigue, and the overall condition of patients with fibromyalgia"
Thomas and others in “A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial using a low-frequency magnetic field in the treatment of musculoskeletal chronic pain” - Pain research and management
"Magnetotherapy reduces edema and pain associated with Sudeck's disease”
Haimovici and Languasco in “I campi magnetici pulsati a bassa frequenza e debole intensità nel trattamento delle affezioni venose e arteriose degli arti in ortopedia e reumatologia” - Campi magnetici in terapia
Rheuma-analgesic treatment amplifies the analgesic effect
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