

Magnetoenergy for the recovery of 7-time middle-distance champion Giulia Alessandra Viola

A new prestigious testimonial for Magnetoenergy. Giulia Alessandra Viola, Italian middle distance runner, winner of 7 Italian titles and 9 youth titles and finalist 4 times at the European Championships in the 1500, 3000 and 5000 metres, has used the device with great benefits.

Giulia discovered running almost by chance, at school, and from competitions between classmates in the high school gymnasium she soon moved on to the running tracks where, in a few years, she won the Italian championships and reached the finals in Europe. 

Between an indoor race and an outdoor qualification, her sporting career were successfull until an Achilles tendon injury forced her to have a double surgery in 2015 and 2017 and many relapses that forced her to take long breaks whenever she tried to return to the track.
A situation that led her to stop her activity until she discovered Magnetoenergy. "I was very discouraged after the umpteenth episode and it was then that a friend of my father's recommended the ME3300 device, which he himself had used with positive effects”. With daily sessions of magnetotherapy, within a week Giulia can return to training and after two weeks she is fully recovered.
"Every time I tried to exercise, my heel would swell and become extremely painful. I tried different devices and solutions, but I didn't get any benefit. With Magnetoenergy it was different. Right from the start I felt a relief in terms of pain and within a few days the swelling also went down”.

Now Giulia is ready to run again. With the ATLetica club of which she is a member, she is now preparing to return to her pre-injury level and, who knows, even to something more.


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Magnetoenergy among the rehabilitation equipment of the Prosperius Tiberino Institute

Magnetoenergy magnetotherapy devices become part of the equipment of the Prosperius Tiberino Institute, reference centre for rehabilitation medicine.

The centre, located in Umbertide in the province of Perugia, has been operating since 1998 in the field of orthopaedic rehabilitation of all acute, chronic and post-surgical pathologies, through a multidisciplinary team, an individual rehabilitation project and the presence of cutting-edge technologies and equipment, which now also include Magnetoenergy devices.

In particular, the Prosperius Tiberino Institute will use Magnetoenergy ME3300, the medical device for magnetotherapy designed for professional use, configured for the occasion according to the needs of the structure to ensure greater flexibility in the different situations of use by the operators of the center.

Magnetoenergy ME3300 will be used for the treatment of patients with chronic, rheumatic, post-traumatic disorders through two types of fields, one high frequency and one low frequency, combined in different formulations to ensure maximum benefit for each pathology.

Magnetoenergy becomes part of the orthopedic supplies of the "APE" association 

The Italian association “Centro di Solidarietà "APE" Cantalupo Castelbuono” provides Magnetoenergy ME2200 for all its members. 
The association was founded in 1988 in Bevagna, in the province of Perugia. Its aim is to help all those who need health instruments in case of disabling diseases, providing orthopedic equipment for immediate use, waiting for intervention by the local health authority or when this is not provided, so as to give anyone the opportunity to have access to these instruments just by making a request.
Since a few weeks among the equipments available to over 700 members from different parts of Umbria and Marche there is also Magnetoenergy ME2200.
The magnetotherapy device was immediately borrowed from various users who have taken advantage of it for the treatment of many  diseases, including the post-operative recovery path after hallux valgus surgery. 
In this case, Magnetoenergy was particularly appreciated for its ease of use and its effectiveness, having contributed in a few weeks to the formation of the bone callus and to the reduction of pain without taking any drugs. 

Magnetoenergy effectively used for the treatment of finger injury of a top volleyball player

A study published in the prestigious “American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation” tells of the exceptional recovery of a Mallet fracture, a disease that can affect those who play volleyball 
The treatment of the disease included, among other therapies, a series of sessions of magnetotherapy performed with Magnetoenergy ME2200 and allowed the player not to lose too many trainings and matches.  

The study was carried out by Daniele Checcarelli, Physiatrist, Mauro Zampolini and Claudia Fusco from the rehabilitation department of the Foligno hospital, Michele Berloco from the department of orthopaedics and traumatology of the Foligno hospital and Levent Özçakar from the department of rehabilitation medicine of the University of Ankara.

The treatment of a Mallet fracture varies according to the extent of the injury and may require surgery. In this case, the team that followed the professional player chose to adopt an unconventional type of treatment allowing the player not to lose matches or training. This treatment involved the use of a plastic splint wrapped in a thermoplastic protection, specific physiotherapy exercises, and sessions of Magnetoenergy ME2200 - five per week for six weeks - to relieve the pain and accelerate the healing process. The therapeutic program used for this specific case was "Orthopedics".
In addition to allowing the player to lose only one match, the recovery was actually fast: in the first ten days pain and swelling were moderate, on the tenth day the swelling disappeared and on the thirtieth day also the pain was gone. After eight weeks the recovery was total. 

The study does not mention the name of the player, but Dr. Checcarelli was a sports doctor of SIR Perugia, Italian volleyball champion 2018.

Universität von Chieti-Pescara

Das ist die G. D'Annunzio Universität von Chieti-Pescara. Die Abteilung für medizinische, orale und biotechnologische Wissenschaften nutzt Magnetoenergy, um die Vorteile elektromagnetischer Felder bei der Erleichterung postoperativer Heilung zu untersuchen. Die durchgeführten Untersuchungen führen zu mehr als positiven Ergebnissen.


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